fortran 產生文字檔的 範例
by 高顯忠, 2010-12-08 14:16, Views(2902)
y= sin(), x= 0 to 3.1415926 step dx
dx= 16等分
0.000000 0.000000
0.196350 0.195090
0.392699 0.382683
0.589049 0.555570
0.785398 0.707107
0.981748 0.831470
1.178097 0.923880
1.374447 0.980785
1.570796 1.000000
1.767146 0.980785
1.963495 0.923880
2.159845 0.831470
2.356194 0.707107
2.552544 0.555570
2.748894 0.382683
2.945243 0.195090
3.141593 0.000000
! ---------------------------------------------------------
program VF0904
implicit none
integer no
real x, y, x1, x2, dx
! plot y= sin(x), x= 0 to pi step dx
no= 16
x1= 0.0
x2= 4.0*atan(1.0)
dx= (x2 - x1)/no
x2= x2 + 0.1*dx
! for x= x1 to x2 step dx do ...
x= x1
open(unit= 1, file= 'plot-sin.txt', status= 'UNKNOWN');
do while (x .LE. x2)
y= sin(x)
write(unit= 1, fmt= '(1x, 2F10.6)')x, y
x= x + dx
end do
print *, 'Done!'
end program VF0904